At a nice
Easter weekend we start with my antenna after 2 years delay because my
illness. Step by step you can see in the pictures below what we were doing that time. On the left picture
you can see John, PD2JVD halfway the pylon to take the FD3 antenna down.
The dipole is out off the pylon, now followed the rest of the antennas. |
10 meter above the roof, 20 meter above street level!! You must be trust my construction to do this without any worry. When he goes up, ok, but for me, it is not my cup of tea! |
On this point everything is dismantled, including the hi-gain rotor. For the time being, now the vertical antenna must constructed again in the tower. Without this antenna I can't transmitting anymore weeks after!
This one...again in the tower.
Next some photographs. |
How nice it is to make a lot off mess on the roof!! |
The next weeks we spend our time to collect the necessary materials like steel cable, coax cable, new connectors and that sort off stuff. Lot of work to build the old tower, or may be replaced by an other tower. So also maintenance off the hi-gain rotor. In any case..Much to do! |
Again on the roof..... july, 15 2007
The picture left shows you how the situation was for a short time after the old tower was gone! The old tower base alone on the roof! |
This construction (picture left) I made it in my work time by my boss. It is the base for the new tower. Using this system I can roll over the complete tower from the base. Material is steel, 8mm thick and galvanised.
On the picture right you can see John how he assemble the base feet to the base tower. |
Work to do...preparing the new tower. But not for me, I must take the pictures's a pitty!
Now the assembling
of the Yaesu bearing is just a piece off cake after placing the base plate
The picture on the right site shows that we have placed just one part of the new tower. Part two is not ready yet so we place just the vertical antenna for vhf and uhf, and a long wire for hf in the first part of the tower for a wile. Now the tower is just 4 meters high.
A part of the Rotterdam skyline. |
Now it is july, 30 2007
Slowly the tower will be ready. I'm busy with the steel cable, 5 mm thick galvanised, and quality 7 x 12 +1. Calculation of the total length with help off Mr Pythagoras.
So there he is again..without any antennas..but the antennas will be mounted later in the tower. |
august, 1 2007
augustus 2...up..up..up!!
Picture above: last consultation how we put the tower up. Also we have to wait for some guys who are a little bit too late. On the left picture the complete construction which has to be to lift up vertical!
One off the most important things is how to stretch the steel cable. To tight is not o.k., but to slack is not o.k. too. There must be some space because the tower must have a little space when it storms. But even so important, the tower must stay vertically as well, when John climbed into the tower to turn the beam horizontal. To make some things clear, it will be three elements hf beam after all, but the last element will be mounted later because the rest of the activities. For today just turn the beam from vertical to horizontal and we are finished. John PD2JVD goes up for the last time today. |
Just a picture from the street level..How nice it is..
August 5.. The last steps before we finished.
Last but not least we have to finish the whole work with the rest of the antennas and the dipole. Today the temperature rose up till 30 degrees C. So you will understand not a nice job to play on the roof with my antennas, because no any breeze today what would be very important. First of all the yagi for 2 meter and later the yagi for 70cm will tighten up in the tower. Later on we put also the 7 meter long fritzel dipole into the tower. But we are not finished yet. We have to connect all the cables and some off the coax cables must be replaced. Even the weatherstation must be placed in the tower.So lots to do, I hope the summer wil goes on a little bit longer. |
O.k. That is ready. Now the rest of the works.....Pffffff..
In the meantime it will be a lot off coax and iron cables, but that's for get some thing! Now the tower is complete, everything into the tower. I must say, we had a lot of spectators during the works into the tower from people who are passing by down on the street. For sure, the reason was the big dimensions of the fritzel beam.
I must say, Capelle has a extra reference point in the street!